Franco Rigutti, the chairman of the local Organising Committee in Trieste, can't wait for the FIVB Volleyball Women's World Championship to start
Trieste, Italy, August 29, 2014 – “It’s really exciting - also from my personal point of view - to host in Trieste the FIVB Volleyball Women’s World Championship Italy 2014 with such world-class teams.” Franco Rigutti, LOC (Local Organising Committee) President, is looking forward to the beginning of the action in Trieste.
Rigutti, aged sixty-four and owner of a more than one-century old shop, always had a strong connection with volleyball and was the chairman of Adriavolley, a club which played in the first Italian league in 2003-2004. “During that championship Loris Manià and Simone Buti became part of the Italian national team and Buti is still one of the most important players of today’s squad.”
Rigutti, who continues to support volleyball teams, is also the President of Confidi Trieste and vice-president of Confcommercio, two important organisations for the local institutional and economic life. He follows the countdown to the FIVB Volleyball Women’s World Championship which will be hosted from September 23 to October 5 at the PalaTrieste (PalaRubini). “The LOC considers that this event represents a unique opportunity to make Trieste known in the world because of its beauty and as multicultural and multi-ethnical melting pot able to stage big events.”
The LOC President is aware that he has another trick up his sleeve. “All eyes are on Brazil, defending Olympic champion and winner of the FIVB World Grand Prix 2014: this very strong team will add extra flavour to the actions at PalaTrieste and will offer an outstanding show.”
Brazil, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, Canada and Cameroon will all play in Trieste. For Serbia, to play in Trieste has a special meaning. “Trieste’s multi-ethnicity fits perfectly to Serbia, which has in our city a very large and important community and strong historical ties which will become even stronger in the new Europe,” he recalls.
Another key to the success of Trieste is its venue. “In the previous events PalaTrieste/PalaRubini has always been hugely appreciated by FIPAV (Italian Volleyball Federation), CEV (European Volleyball Confederation) and especially FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) and the same happened at the Men’s World League when this year we hosted the match Italy vs Iran. Our organisation and our sports hall received top marks.”
Rigutti stresses that the infrastructure of PalaTrieste allows fans to fully enjoy a volleyball match. “Here, in a facility that seems to be dedicated to this sport, you can really enjoy the speed of a volleyball match.”
In order to encourage the fans, the Trieste Local Organising Committee provides tickets and subscriptions with competitive prices that – as Rigutti says – “will ensure the attendance of a lot of people. In the first round, many pupils and students will watch the morning matches as we have come to special agreements with the local schools. With the afternoon-evening ticket you can attend two matches for the price of one” he stresses.
“I think that a numbered tribune seat for €33 is really competitive and that a subscription price for the first round, i.e. for 15 matches, of €106 for numbered tribune seats, €76 for Cat. B places and €33 for Cat. C places is very affordable.”
Essential for the smooth organisation of the FIVB Women’s World Championship is the contribution of the volunteers; the LOC President says: “We need a large number of well-trained people, because in the first round there will be three matches a day. We will welcome all interested people who’d like to join our trained and proven staff. The door is always open for volleyball fans who want to be a part of this show and play a key role in delivering an amazing event.”