Rome, Italy, September 25, 2014 - Italy took a 3-0 victory over Argentina home on the third day of the FIVB Volleyball Women's World Championship Italy 2014 on Thursday in Rome.
Italy coach Marco Bonitta: "Argentina played a good match and we have had to play at 100 percent to win. We are satisfied to have won the first three matches, because it was necessary this introduction. I try to optimize the human resources of the team. I am happy that also the last players of the team have gone in on the court finally and a little mention about Cardullo’s comeback that I believe is important to underline.”
Italy captain Francesca Piccinini: Another good match. We have been good to win through the game and during the match we have been good to manage it. From tomorrow we will begin to think about the next opponent, Germany. We will train very well to do our game.”
Argentina coach Orduna Guillermo: "Today Argentina have been more concentrated and I do congratule Italy. We have had a good attack-game, but after the Italian quality in the attack section has gone out."
Argentina captain Paula Yamila Nizetich: "Today we played better than yesterday, for this I am less angry than yesterday. We must to work a lot to arrive to right level.”