
All information to buy tickets for matches in Bari


Bari, Italy, September
4, 2014 – From September 5 to September 19, you can buy tickets and
subscriptions (payment by credit card or in cash and / or withdrawal tickets
purchased in advance) to attend the FIVB Women’s World Championships Italy 2014
at the LOC offices in Bari via Madonna della Rena, 5 c/o CONI (Stadio della
Vittoria - Bari). The store will be open from 10.30 a.m to 1 p.m and from 3.30
p.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday until September 19 (except September 12). You
can also purchase tickets in advance at

Tickets fares and

round (from September 23 to September 28)

Match h10.30 a.m:

Tribuna inferiore numerata: 14€

Tribuna mediana numerata: 10€

Tribuna superiore non numerata: 2€

Match h5 p.m. +
Match h8 p.m.

Tribuna inferiore numerata: 30€

Tribuna mediana numerata: 20€

Tribuna superiore non numerata: 10€

Subscriptions (all
matches h5 p.m. + h8 p.m. 1st round))

Tribuna inferiore numerata: 80€

Tribuna mediana numerata: 50€

Tribuna superiore non numerata: 25€

2nd round  (from October 1 to October 5)

Match h5 p.m. +
Match h8 p.m.

Tribuna inferiore numerata: 30€

Tribuna mediana numerata: 20€

Tribuna superiore non numerata: 10€

Subcriptions (all
matches 2nd round)

Tribuna inferiore numerata: 90€

Tribuna mediana numerata: 60€

Tribuna superiore non numerata: 30€


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